Advanced Developement Course

The Chakra Meditation Groups
The Meditation and Healing practices for 2019.
The intention of the Chakra Meditation group is to expand your daily personal practice and to develop your intuitive skills using meditation practices, visualisation and creative expression.
These practices are designed to develop a personal experience of the subtle body, with the Chakras being the organs of this body. This year we will continue to cleanse and quieten the mind on a deeper level using the Purification Pathways as well as developing healing techniques for yourself.
For these sessions we would like you to eat the suggested foods that nourish and support each chakra within your daily meals as well as to wear a colour associated with the chakra that we are working with and experiencing. The colours are represented in each of the mandalas on the following pages.
This year we will be having ten sessions covering the chakra system: this will include the seven major chakras as well as the minor chakra system and the higher chakras. We will focus each monthly session on an individual chakra and after the meditation we would like you to draw or represent your experience in your work book (a scrap book or plain paper art book will suffice). Please bring coloured pencils, crayons etc. to draw your personal experience. We will supply chakra mandalas for colouring if you are unsure of your creative talents.
The Dates
Our sessions will be held each month on the second Saturday and the following Monday of the month, unless specified. Please choose either a Saturday or Monday and stick with that group as much as possible, although of course we can be flexible if you let us know. We are catering for the Gatherings so please let us know so as the numbers can be estimated.
What will I need to bring?
Personal Crystals
Personal Healing tools
A new unburned unscented candle and holder
Comfortable attire
Warm garments and rugs
Warm socks
A book with both blank and lined paper
Writing and drawing tools
A cup or mug
A bottle of water
The cost for each gathering is $60, and a delicious homegrown and home created a meal by Terrence Hudson afterwards to get grounded.
We look forward to this year together.
Love and Light,
Namaste xx B and T
Session one
Earth Star Chakra
Old Rose, Magenta and Blue are the colours of the Earth Star chakra.
In this session we will:
Set the intention for the group and light the group and individual candles.
Introduce the Chakra System and energy pathways that connect the chakras to each other, our body organs and glands.
Cleanse and connect with this system of energy within our dynamic Self.
Create a layout to support the Earth Star Chakra and a have a meditation and vibrational experience suitable to the Earth Mother and Earth Star.
Chakra Drawing and colouring-in to capture the experience and begin a tangible connection.
The second Saturday of each month, followed by the Monday. February 9th and 11th 2019.

Session Two
Mūlādhāra Chakra
Red is the colour of Mūlādhāra.
In this session we will:
Create an Earth Star and Base Chakra Mūlādhāra connection.
Create a layout to support the activation of the base chakra.
Have a meditation and vibrational experience suitable for Mūlādhāra, chakra drawing and colouring-in.
The second Saturday of the month and the following Monday, the 9th and 11th March 2019

Session Three
Orange is the colour of Svādishthāna.
In this session we will:
Create an Earth Star, Mūlādhāra and Svādishthāna connection.
Create a layout to support the activation of the Svādishthāna, the second traditional chakra.
Have a Meditation and vibrational experience suitable for Svādishthāna, chakra drawing and colouring-in.
The second Saturday and following Monday, 13th and 15th April 2019.

Session Four
Yellow is the colour of Manipūra Chakra.
In this session we will:
Create an Earth Star, Mūlādhāra, Svādishthāna and Manipūra connection.
Create a layout to support the activation of the Manipūra, the third traditional chakra.
Have a Meditation and vibrational experience suitable for Manipūra, chakra drawing and colouring-in.
The second Saturday and the following Monday, 11th and 13th May 2019.

Session Five
Green is the colour of Anāhata Chakra.
In this session we will:
Create an Earth Star, Mūlādhāra, Svādishthāna, Manipūra and Anāhata connection.
Create a layout to support the activation of Anāhata, the fourth traditional chakra.
Have a Meditation and vibrational experience suitable for Anāhata, chakra drawing and colouring-in.
The second Saturday and the following Monday, 8th and 10th June 2019.

Session Six
Blue is the colour of Vishuddhi Chakra.
In this session we will:
Create an Earth Star, Mūlādhāra, Svādishthāna, Manipūra, Anāhata and Vishuddhi connection.
Create a layout to support the activation of the Vishuddhi, the fifth traditional chakra.
Meditation and vibrational experience suitable for Vishuddhi, chakra drawing and colouring-in
The second Saturday and the following Monday, 13th and 15th July 2019.

Session Seven
Purple is the colour of Ājnā Chakra.
In this session we will:
Create an Earth Star, Mūlādhāra, Svādishthāna, Manipūra, Anāhata, Vishuddhi and Ājnā connection.
Create a layout to support the activation of the Ājnā, the sixth traditional chakra.
Have a Meditation and vibrational experience suitable for Ājnā, chakra drawing and colouring-in
The second Saturday and the following Monday, 10th and the 12th August 2019.

Session Eight
White and the colours of the rainbow are the colours of Bindu and Sahasrāra Chakra.
In this session we will:
Create an Earth Star, Mūlādhāra, Svādishthāna, Manipūra, Anāhata, Vishuddhi, Ājnā, Bindu and Sahasrāra connection.
Create a layout to support the activation of the Bindu and Sahasrāra, the seventh traditional chakra complex.
Have a Meditation and vibrational experience suitable for Sahasrāra, chakra complex drawing and colouring-in.
The second Saturday and the following Monday 14th and 16th September 2019.

Session Nine
The Transpersonal Chakras
In this session we will cover:
The vibrant colours of the violet flame.
The Higher Chakras and the whole chakra system.
The second Saturday and the following Monday 12th and 14th October 2019.

Session Ten
An integration program, the colours are a rainbow. Practices to use the Chakra system as a whole field
The second Saturday and following Monday 9th and 11th November 2019.
Session Eleven: Creating your Inner Mandala Workshop
This is our second year presenting this workshop
Due to popular demand we are happy to again bring you this opportunity to get creative with the Black card and white chalk pencils creating images and representations of our auric fields, energy patterns and pathways within. We will be using Prayer, Meditation and group practices to be inspired throughout the day.
You will need to bring a plate of raw food to share or some fruit and veg for Terrence to create edible mandalas for our sustenance and inspiration. A bottle of water, coloured pencils, rubbers and sharpeners and fun will be had.
The second Saturday only December 14th 2019. To be confirmed based on interest and numbers.
To RSVP, please reply to this email or ring Belinda on 65683337. Please be quick as spaces are limited.