Total Body Modification (TBM)

Total Body Modification.
This technique is used to find the organ or area of the body that is stressed and experiencing dis-ease. To determine why it is stressed and to correct the problem by restoring balance to the nervous system, clearing the way for the organs and systems to regain proper communication with the brain, via the nervous system, and to return to good functional health. TBM corrects the Functional Physiology (how the body works) which may, in turn influence structure. Both structure and function are essential to optimum health.
"The Power That Made The Body, Can Heal The Body"
TBM has taken this philosophy and further explored the ability of the human body to self- regenerate. TBM demonstrates that if the right thing is done to the body at the right time and in the right way, wonderful things happen.
TBM is carried out in conjunction with Belinda’s existing expertise and modalities. It is used to enhance the treatments that you are already using.
Since a correctly functioning nervous system is a major requirement of good health, it follows that TBM can have a part to play in almost any problem and locate and correct the roadblocks to recovery. After you have been thoroughly assessed using our existing modalities such as Iris Diagnosis, consultation, Belinda will begin a series of muscle-testing and balancing and harmonising the organs and systems. The treatments are varied, depending on what organs or systems are involved and whether the symptoms are acute or chronic. You may need a series of balances and checks and your practitioner will advise you of these during your treatment.
The intelligence that is our body…
An intelligence of such magnitude that it can harmonise the unimaginable diversity of process which constitute the everyday functioning of our lives.
- Jonathan Shore MD
How Does TBM Work?
The Nervous System is composed of the Central Nervous System, which runs the voluntary function or movements of the body. The Autonomic Nervous System runs the involuntary functions of the body, such as the heart, circulation, digestion, respiration etc. Each of these systems are further divided into Sensory and Motor Systems. The brain is the primary control for both branches of the nervous system. Sensory fibers carry messages to the brain where they are processed, as in a computer, and the brain, in turn, tells the body what to do.
Research has shown that under sufficient stress, from any cause, the Neurons in the brain centers which are controlling the stressed organ or body part essentially depolarise. This can be likened to a fuse blowing out on an electrical circuit. The message gets to the brain but fails to return.
The result is that the brain, (computer) loses effective control over one or more organs or body parts. Messages continue to be sent out to the brain by the organ and the system it is associated with. These messages are commonly called symptoms. If they continue to be blocked at the circuit, the symptoms intensify in an effort to alert the brain to the dis-ease within the system. Some of these symptoms are experienced as pain or discomfort or just a general feeling of unwellness.
Using tried and tested reflex points and muscle testing, the TBM practitioner can find the dysfunction. Belinda will then gently stimulate a specific area or areas of the spine in association with the organ or system that has been experiencing the blockage. Thus attempting to stimulate the neurons in the brain to re-polarise, fixing the fuse, and allowing the brain to regain control of the body and guide it back to health.
TBM opens the way for the nervous system to communicate with the brain, enabling the organs and systems to function at their full 'Health Capacity'.
If you are having treatment for any dis-ease in the body, TBM increases the body's awareness of such efforts, therefore increasing the efficiency of the treatment.
TBM balances and normalises the systems and organ functions, correcting 'Hyper' and 'Hypo' conditions within the body. Specific Treatments include reducing and normalising Allergy problems, Detoxifying overloaded organs and systems, Strengthening and de-stressing the body.
TBM Research
At this point in time TBM is able to test and correct over 150 known body functions. Through the efforts of many of the Doctors within the Chiropractic profession, a body of knowledge and a repeatable technical procedure has emerged to correct what is termed as 'functional physiological malfunctions'
Over the years scientific data has validated much of what began as theory. But it is the results that have been attained that have given the impetus, the confidence and the desire to find out more about how the body really works. Research is an ongoing activity in TBM and each year brings new discoveries.
Belinda continues to participate in ongoing studies and updating the learned materials through workshops and seminars on a regular basis. Also able to consult directly with a network of qualified Doctors and Practitioners in the field of TBM.
A wealth of knowledge and resources are available to make your treatment successful and thorough.