Natural Therapies

My Story
Belinda has been using Homeopathy Clinically since 1981 and has been in full time practice for 35 years. Clinically, Homeopathy is used for the treatment of chronic illnesses, acute conditions and minor accidents requiring first aid. Homeopathy is also used as health maintenance and to support the natural processes of the body such as Children’s development such as teething, worming, tantrum and behaviour assistance, anxiety, sleep, appetite, and of course the grown-ups… digestion, methylation, menstruation, menopause, mobility and stamina as well as assisting in the balancing of stresses in the body and the mind. Homeopathic medicine is a natural and Wholistic choice for the modern times. Although Homeopathy has been used for hundreds of years, the modern level of development in vibrational medicine has bought this ancient practice into the 21st century.