Foundation Developement Course

These courses require commitment and are designed for personal development. You will be given daily practices to do at home which will keep you connected to what you have learned as well as enabling each session to be built upon and your confidence and practical experience as the foundation for the next learned information..
Due to popular interest we will be holding monthly sessions this year. We will be running a Saturday class and a Monday class - please let us know ASAP your preferred day to attend, as numbers are limited. You can either reply to this email to RSVP, or you can ring Belinda on 65683337 to book your place.
The cost is $60 per session from 11am - 3pmish and includes a vegetarian lunch. We cater for food sensitivities, so please let us know when you are confirming your attendance. Terrence is our food specialist who grows and nurtures the organically grown produce into delicious meals.
2019 Personal Development Gatherings & Workshops
Group Schedule for 2019 is not available. Please see Advanced Chakra Course for 2019.
Thank You for your interest in our courses and becoming part of our meditation, relaxation and self-healing groups during 2019. The intention of the Gatherings is to help you begin and commit to a daily personal practice as well as learning to quieten the mind.
The practices we do in each session are largely focused on calming the mind, identifying and clearing old beliefs and limitations and developing your intuitive abilities. We will be learning how to ground and protect yourself, working with personal healing tools such as crystals and the Dowsing system, including Pendulums, Sticks and Bobbers. Comfortable chairs and seating will help you to relax during our sessions and guided meditations.

Personal Crystals
A new bee's wax, unscented candle (available here)
a candle holder or dish
Warm socks, after summer, Comfortable attire
Warm garments and rugs
A bottle of water A cup or mug
Terrence and I are so looking forward to walking with you on your spiritual journey this year.
You will need to bring...
Session One
Creating your personal Spiritual Vision Board, Meditation techniques and meeting the members of our Gatherings.
What to Bring:​ Pens, pencils, erasers, sharpener, scissors, cardboard (large, black, white or coloured on which to build your vision board), glue, stick, blue-tac, pendulum, quartz crystals, magnifying glass, a photograph of yourself A4 size, images to cut and paste as a collage that give you that connection to your Spiritual Journey for this year. Also, any other glue-able multi-media such as feathers, leaves, shells, sand, pressed flowers, small crystals, glitter, etc.
The dates for these classes will be available in 2020.
Session Two​
Creating a personal crystal layout to support your journey inward.
Introduction to the use of pendulum.
Group and personal candle lighting.
Autumn Equinox Meditation focused on grounding your energy and beginning the inward and subtle journey toward Self.
The date for this class will be available in 2020.
Introduction to the use of Hand Mudras, linking the ancient use of vital energy flows within the body and the practice of peaceful meditation and peaceful life.
Smoke as a tool for cleansing using herbs, incense and resins.
The date for this class 2020.
Session Five
Overview of tools and course.
A Winter Solstice Meditation focused on grounding and nurturing the mind/body. We will explore the use of vibration inside the body, using a Yoga technique called the humming bird to create our own unique experience of vibration, as well as Om chanting and Mantra.
Creating a Personal Sankalpa, (a resolve, a resolution, Will, determination, intention). Once you have formed your Sankalpa, it will help you strengthen your purpose and Life Path.
Singing Bowls, vibrational clearing, healing and balancing. Introducing Gordon Stennett who will give us an opportunity to play with the vibrations of Tibetan Singing Bowls.
The date for this class 2020
Session Six
Overview of tools.
Meditation focused on grounding, clearing and cleaning your time-line, your whole ‘this life’, quite long in most cases. Cleaning Cords, honouring your Guides, the Ancestors and Angels that work with us as well as creating a safe space to receive their help and messages.
The Akashic Records, DNA and Personal Akashic Angel work.
The date for this class 2020
Session Seven
Meditation focused on grounding, cleaning and clearing.
Self-Healing techniques and crystal layouts.
Creating a tool for healing yourself.
The date for this class 2020
Session Eight
Overview of the tools
Meditation focused on grounding, cleaning and clearing.
Introduction to your Chakra System, the ‘organs’ of your subtle body… how to clean and activate them.
Spring Equinox, spring cleaning, de-cluttering and re-setting your vision for this season.
The date for this class 2020.

Session Three
Continuing with Pendulum development and delving into the Dowsing System
Creating a personal crystal layout, activating your crystals and setting a personal intention.
Meditation focused on grounding and clearing the mind.
Focusing on the concepts of Ego and how to recognise and reduce the dominance of Ego in your actions, thought and interpretation of Self.
The date for this class is Saturday 14th and Monday 16th April 2018
Session Four
Overview of tools.
Meditation focused on grounding, clearing and cleaning.
Session Nine
Meditation focused on grounding, cleaning and clearing.
Connecting and running your energies using the subtle body chakras and psychic pathways.
The date for this class 2020.
Session Ten
Overview of the tools.
Meditation focused on grounding, cleaning and clearing.
Expanding the use of Hand Mudras for personal healing.
Singing Bowls, vibrational clearing, healing and balancing. Gordon Stennett again will give us an opportunity to play with the vibrations of Tibetan Singing Bowls.
The date for this class 2020.
Session Eleven
Creating your Inner Mandala Workshop.
Using black card with white pencils to draw your energy as patterns received in the Meditation practices throughout the day.
We will also do some group exercises that bring confidence and ease with creativity.
You will need to bring a plate of raw food to share or bring some fruit / vegetables for Terrence to transform into edible mandalas.
The dates for this is 2019