Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing
Crystals are concentrated light & vibrational energy. The natural matrix of each type of crystal gives it a repeatable energetic blueprint. Just as with medicinal plants that have an affinity with certain organs, energizing or cleansing, toning or soothing, so too the mineral kingdom has its healing treasures. Crystals used in layouts, massage, reflexology, acupressure, gem elixirs have long been used for healing, electromagnetic protective, negative energy cleansing & balancing, energizing, relaxation and sleep improvement are just a few ways to experience crystals.

Crystal Healing
Crystals remind us of the structures upon which our universe is built. All matter, everything that is physical and solid owes it’s exsistence to the organising properties of crystals. Weather you need balancing, activating, releasing or strengthening, the Crystal Healings are beneficial for physical, mental, emotional and spirital well being.
Crystals are also used in homes, for the office, or to create an atmosphere of harmony and ease. For example in an office you can reduce the negative effects of elecro- magnetic fields EMF’s by using a salt lamp and Smokey Quartz or Black Tourmaline, Flourite or Shunghite crystals. On the body you can wear healing crystals as jewelry to strenghten, balance and protect. Your home can become more harmonous and healthy with well placed crystals.
Belinda is a certified Crystal Healer and crystal healing sessions are available by appointment. You will be required to wear comfortable clothing and have a little something to eat before your appointment and a bottle of water to rehydrate afterwards. Belinda will often prescribe a crystal to be worn or placed under your pillow at night to receive the healing benefits from the stones.