Winter tips

Homeopathy is used in the treatment of chronic illness, acute conditions and minor accidents requiring first aid. Homeopathy is also used as health maintenance and to support natural processes such as sleep, appetite, digestion, menstruation, menopause, mobility and stamina, as well as assisting in the balancing of stresses within the body and the mind it is a natural, holistic choice. Homeopathic medicine has been used for hundreds of years, homeopathy aims to promote the body’s healing responses to disease, guiding the body, it’s systems and organs back to balance and wellness. Modern homeopathy is used as a means of stimulating the body’s own healing powers, through cleansing, detoxifying, desensitising and balancing the hyper and hypo conditions that arise in our bodies, leading to dis-ease.
Homeopathic treatment is used to cleanse the immune system and stimulate the body’s ability to fight infection and susceptibility to disease. Belinda uses a combination of lifestyle, foods and medicine to prepare the body for winter thus strengthening the system, enabling your body’s natural defences to optimise and stabilise before the onslaught of challenging conditions and viruses impact your body, family, or workplace. Belinda believes it is important to have a kit from which to draw the natural remedies, so as you can respond quickly to any health threat whilst it is in the earliest stages. These remedies are found in the Pure Water Homeopathic Range available here. Remedies have been developed such as Aconite12x the ‘Onset remedy’ this medicine covers the early stages of change upon the system e.g. Chills, sore throat, reduced stamina and sudden onset and is also recommended to be used prophylactically (before) you become unwell. So by adding a squirt of Aconite to your daily drink bottle, you create a ‘readiness’ message in your body. AAGEO is a combination of homeopathic remedies which extends the range of symptoms that are covered by this spectrum remedy. Aconite, Arsenicum, Gelsemium, Eupatorium and Occillococcinum are the combination that Belinda uses for more advanced cold and flu symptoms… useful for chills, fever, runny nose and watery eyes, aches and pains, headache and flu-like symptoms are all within the range of this remedy. BAPOV is another combination homeopathic remedy comprised of Baptisia, Aconite, Arsenicum, Phytolacca, Occillococcinum and Flu-Virus Nosodes. Belinda uses this combination for the flu that spreads through the family, school or workplace and tends to stay on and on, depleting your energy and reducing your concentration. This remedy works well with swollen glands and the flu-like symptoms that we are often challenged with during the winter months.
There are some further remedies that you can make yourselves…
My Grandmother’s winter Remedy
Fresh Thyme (available from most supermarkets)
Fresh Ginger
Fresh Turmeric
Raw Local Honey
Fresh Lime or Lemon
Fresh Garlic, (keep separate from the blend.) Peel and chop the garlic into small chunks and take them like little tablets with a glass of water, that way you avoid the raw garlic taste and the flavour of the mixture is not dominated by the garlic.
Strip the tiny leaves of the thyme away from the woody stems and discard the stems, wash and peel the outer skins of the turmeric and ginger. Use approximately even amounts of each ingredients or use in proportions differing according to taste i.e. The children don’t like the ginger to dominate as it may taste too spicy for their palate. Blend until a smooth paste, put this into a small jar or lidded container and add a heaped tablespoon of raw honey and the juice of the lemon or lime and stir them together, add more honey if you if you need to. This is now ready to use, about a flat teaspoon for the grown-ups and less for the kids. You can keep it well in the fridge for quite long periods of time as the honey and thyme keep it from deteriorating Chew this well as to keep it in the mouth for as long as possible, this is the area of the upper immune system, close to the tonsils where it can have the most benefit. Or add it to a cup of hot water and sip.
Of course you must seek advice from your therapist or Doctor if symptoms persist.
02 65 68 3337 to talk with Belinda.